What should I do about Tempting?

This looks like so much fun! Yes, I know, I am still yet to finish a pair of socks, but I am really close. And I really will knit tonight. Recently, I haven't been knitting on week nights, I think this is because of a few reasons. I got used to not doing it when the whole eye-strain thing was happening, the long, hot summer nights are not really conducive to knitting, and I have hardly any WIPs. But I'm going to try and get back into the habit.
I've been think of my goals in knitting(or not even goals, thoughts about knitting, I don't like to put pressure on myself, this is a hobby!).
1. Strawberry hat for my up-coming step-neice, who should be born any day now.
2. Something for her big brother, the golden child, who will now be neglected!
3. I REALLY want to knit Rosedale from Knitty. I just have to force myself to buy that much Kureyon. And decide on a colour. I saw a gorgeous colour at last week's SnB, but the girl got it from the states, doesn't look like it is available here in the UK. It is hard to find the brighter colours which I love.
4. Frog Tempting and knit some other short sleeved cute top. Any suggestions? It's a really nice pattern, and I've seen some great ones, but I've just gone off it(I did start it over 18 months ago), and I don't think the wide neck will suit me anyway.
5. When I finish these socks, try to knit some Jaywalkers out of the Lana Grosso yan I got, before Sock Wars starts.
Well, I'm going to stop blogging now and start knitting!
Sock wars sounds like a lot of fun.
Try looking at http://www.garnstudio.com for patterns instead of Tempting, they have some really lovely stuff.
Rosedale is very pretty, but it certainly would be expensive.
I cannot wait to see your first pair of socks!!
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