The Mystery of the Dropped Stitch
I'm at home, on a Tuesday morning. It is 9am and I've already embarrassed myself. The Boy has ordered a new monitor (yay!) and we thought it might come this morning. That's not why I'm at home, but it would be lucky if it did. I'd planned my day - breakfast and a bit of the Knitty Coffeeshop, run out to the bead shop and to the library, be back for the most likely delivery time of 11am-1pm, and do some research on car hire and accommodation for our upcoming trip, go to the gym, then spend the afternoon reading, knitting and making stitch markers.
So the doorbell goes at a quarter to nine, all I am wearing is a gaping skimpy dressing gown. I buzz him in, put on some trackky pants and run down stairs, thinking he'll have left it at the door. No, he is waiting for me to sign. And it is Tony, the delivery guy at work, who I chat to every day. I had to hold my dressing gown closed as I signed. Even HE was embarrassed, he just said, "fancy seeing you", got me to sign and ran off! Then I turn around, pick up the package, and see our landlord, who I haven't seen since we moved here in November. He said hi and introduced himself, even though I knew exactly who he was. When we moved in, we were unemployed and had to get a guarantor, I hope he doesn't think I still sit at home all day!
I've made stitch markers! I've been wanting to do it for ages, but been putting it off for no good reason. Any way, a couple of weekends ago, I went to the bead shop, bought some beads, and worked out how to do it. It's really fun trying out different combinations, and is really quick, so a great craft.
I love the ones in the middle, cos the kanji is the same as the kanji Fukuoka, where we lived in Japan! It also apparently means happiness, which is why it is used on beads. These are just some of the stitch markers I made, but the others are more simple, but still pretty.
In knitting news, I was happily knitting my 2nd sock, getting close to starting the heel, when I noticed a dropped stitch. I've never ever not noticed a dropped stitch fairly soon after I dropped, and always manage to pick it up easily. But this one was halfway down, about 25 rows, I have no idea how I missed it. I tried to pick it up through all the rows, but I was making a real mess as the yarn kept slipping, so I ended up frogging it. How depressing. Made up the time though, because I went to London on the weekend to meet a friend, with a 3 hour coach trip each way.
So the doorbell goes at a quarter to nine, all I am wearing is a gaping skimpy dressing gown. I buzz him in, put on some trackky pants and run down stairs, thinking he'll have left it at the door. No, he is waiting for me to sign. And it is Tony, the delivery guy at work, who I chat to every day. I had to hold my dressing gown closed as I signed. Even HE was embarrassed, he just said, "fancy seeing you", got me to sign and ran off! Then I turn around, pick up the package, and see our landlord, who I haven't seen since we moved here in November. He said hi and introduced himself, even though I knew exactly who he was. When we moved in, we were unemployed and had to get a guarantor, I hope he doesn't think I still sit at home all day!
I've made stitch markers! I've been wanting to do it for ages, but been putting it off for no good reason. Any way, a couple of weekends ago, I went to the bead shop, bought some beads, and worked out how to do it. It's really fun trying out different combinations, and is really quick, so a great craft.

I love the ones in the middle, cos the kanji is the same as the kanji Fukuoka, where we lived in Japan! It also apparently means happiness, which is why it is used on beads. These are just some of the stitch markers I made, but the others are more simple, but still pretty.
In knitting news, I was happily knitting my 2nd sock, getting close to starting the heel, when I noticed a dropped stitch. I've never ever not noticed a dropped stitch fairly soon after I dropped, and always manage to pick it up easily. But this one was halfway down, about 25 rows, I have no idea how I missed it. I tried to pick it up through all the rows, but I was making a real mess as the yarn kept slipping, so I ended up frogging it. How depressing. Made up the time though, because I went to London on the weekend to meet a friend, with a 3 hour coach trip each way.
It's a shame about th sock, but at least you had plenty of time to reknit it.
The stitch markers are lovely.
Those stitch markers are excellent! Really professional looking, well done.
I love the FUKU stitch markers too! Those are great! I've never lived in Fukuoka, but I've always loved that kanji for its appearance and meaning.
They are lovely stitch markers! Well done you!
I love your stitch markets. How beautiful. Sorry about your sock though!
Hope you are doing well!
Beautiful stitch markers . . . plus, if you are in a bind, they would make awesome earrings!
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