Another thing I made while I was in Australia was this cute bag. No pattern, I just knit on circs till it was the size I wanted, then made the strap handles out of I-cord. My mum found some brooches for me (some of which I use to fasten my One Button Cardigan) and I used a sparkley diamonte one to glam up the bag. I lined it with a pink paisley fabric, and I really love the result. This bag is the perfect size for my everyday things.

And here is a couple of photos of my Cabled Newsboy Hat from Stitch and Bitch Nation that I blogged about a while ago. I finished it in Japan, but didn't take any photos of it. Posing is my very "cool" brother who surprisingly really liked it and wanted me to knit one for him. I would, except I know that I would make it, send it to him, and he would say "I won't wear this!". I absolutely love this hat, wear it all time, and it is so warm. I'm tempted to make another in a different colour.

And here is a couple of photos of my Cabled Newsboy Hat from Stitch and Bitch Nation that I blogged about a while ago. I finished it in Japan, but didn't take any photos of it. Posing is my very "cool" brother who surprisingly really liked it and wanted me to knit one for him. I would, except I know that I would make it, send it to him, and he would say "I won't wear this!". I absolutely love this hat, wear it all time, and it is so warm. I'm tempted to make another in a different colour.

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