Rosedale - so close
I've finished knitting Rosedale! It's even been blocked, but no photos because my camera's batteries ran out. I also need to put in a zipper anyway, so once I do that and it is completely finished, I can post some pictures. I'm really pleased with it - when I was knitting it I didn't really like the orange and yellow, but when it was all done, they looked nice with the other colours. And I asked The Boy which colours he liked the best, and of course he said the orange and yellow.
In other knitting news, I've been doing some more of The Boy's trekking socks, and started a hat for the Dulaan project, which should be a quick knit when I'm procrastinating.
I went to my last Bristol Knitting group on Wednesday, which was sad, as I really enjoy those nights. I don't have a huge stash (though I have a bit of sock yarn), but I took any non sock yarn that wasn't designated for a particular project, and managed to get rid of it all! I also took all my magazines (except for my Interweave!) which was quite difficult, and they all went too. But I'm much happier for it to all go to people who might use it, rather than me cart it across the world. Some of this stuff had come from Japan to the UK and not been used, so I was ruthless.
Otherwise, it's been pretty busy. I've finished work, and am at home packing and sorting things out. We move out of our flat next weekend! Then it's one month in Sheffield before we leave for our trip.
In other knitting news, I've been doing some more of The Boy's trekking socks, and started a hat for the Dulaan project, which should be a quick knit when I'm procrastinating.
I went to my last Bristol Knitting group on Wednesday, which was sad, as I really enjoy those nights. I don't have a huge stash (though I have a bit of sock yarn), but I took any non sock yarn that wasn't designated for a particular project, and managed to get rid of it all! I also took all my magazines (except for my Interweave!) which was quite difficult, and they all went too. But I'm much happier for it to all go to people who might use it, rather than me cart it across the world. Some of this stuff had come from Japan to the UK and not been used, so I was ruthless.
Otherwise, it's been pretty busy. I've finished work, and am at home packing and sorting things out. We move out of our flat next weekend! Then it's one month in Sheffield before we leave for our trip.
Ooh can't wait to see your Rosedale.
My you were ruthless! (clings lovingly onto stash) but I can see your reasoning :(
I am excited about seeing your Rosedale, and I hope your move goes smoothly!
Take care on your journey!
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